A voice is calling me in my dreams
it`s not a strange dream... really
all the vicious are dreaming...
unknown to reality...
His blood is as liquid fire...
I can hear the blood in His voice...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

and all I see was blood…
... And when I die I will not go to heaven
in your arms I'll be the end ...
and when I'm gone,
will the sky to be in your arms
I will be dreaming and sleep peacefully ...
because although the sky is endless,
it is small compared to your love,
where salvation found my soul ...
...и кога ќе умрам нема да одам во рајот,
во твоите прегратки ќе ми биде крајот...
и кога ќе ме нема,
нема на небо да бидам,
во твоите прегратки ќе сонувам и мирно ќе спијам...
затоа што небото иако е бескрајно,
тоа е мало во споредба со љубовта твоја,
каде што спасот го најде душата моја...

become one...

own way.......
have a you.......
own way....
have i........
but our love......
take us in one soul.......
under the sky....
and you and i......
have become one........

Monday, May 23, 2011

this night

оваа нок тивок мрак се спушта
сама,без тебе
во соба плач се слуша
и нежна тага што ме гуши...
знам ние сме и ќе останеме неразделни души...
а склопувам очи...и тонам во сон...
додека како икона го гледам твојот лик...
и твојот глас го слушам...
а одекнувам јас со нежен крик...
без тебе немам живот...
немам здив...се гушам...

this night

this night quiet darkness descends...
alone in a room without you...
i hear cry...and gentle sorrow choking me ...
I know we are and will remain inseparable souls...
and close my eyes and sink into a dream ...
long as the icon I see your face ...
and hear your voice ...
I am a perfect gentle scream ...
no life without you ...
no breath ... to dive ...

Friday, May 20, 2011


Following the celestial road
to the territory of your heart
carried off and mesmerized by your strings whisper...
and I did not trust my own sense
with one breath I poured out the burden love
and the key to the mystery enveloped in happiness
openened the gate of your heart...
and love capured us...
and we became death-connected...

Eternal delirium

Space without horizons...and smile on our faces...
eternal delirium... you are my obsession...
deep nostalgia for you
confised mind... which to settle
eternal delirium... obsessed mind...
I don`t know if I`m dreaming or I`m awake
the subconscious prodigally...
and a strange thought... and love
reckless passion
mysterious feelings
eternal delirium, and love, and passion
woven together...