A voice is calling me in my dreams
it`s not a strange dream... really
all the vicious are dreaming...
unknown to reality...
His blood is as liquid fire...
I can hear the blood in His voice...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

i saw you somewhere in my heart
i felt you
and i know all your life
i love you
and i need your smile
bless of your eyes
make me to live my life...

 love for one boy
i give all my love for one boy...

i saw you
love is everywhere
love is anything
my love is you...
kill me slowly
when you are sleaping tonight
because the world is a devil place
and my immortaly is a bird roawer
who is flaping on the wing of a broken heart...
misteriosly ask where is the love
and do not tell me,it is my life
too lost in the dry on your eyes
i am going under 
in the middle of the pain
where heart is isck and tired
owing to the evil adultery
without mercy is thundering and blessing
in the quart of the poison rain
painting pale light i am praying you:
save my life from the storm
who is wearing all the remembers
save my life,save me from all the fears and sins...